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4 easy tips to care for your new laptop

So, you have finally bought your dream laptop, congratulations! Now for optimum output and to ensure that it keeps functioning smoothly, you need to invest some time on a regular basis. Here are some tips to help you do that.

Keep Your Hardware Clean

 Keyboard, monitor, and the crevices in between…all these parts of your laptop need to be cleaned regularly not just for hygiene but for improved performance. Make sure you use only a microfiber cloth or specialized monitor wipes to clean the screen. Also, an old toothbrush can come in handy to dust the keyboard.

Avoid extreme temperatures

Extreme temperature changes can have adverse effects on your laptop. So if you travel often with it, make sure you let it come down to room temperature before you start it.

Update Software

Pushing software updates to a later date is second nature to all of us, however, these updates are very necessary to keep your laptop system not just working smoothly but also protect it from bugs and security breaches. So next time one of these updates pops up, take some time for the well-being of your machine.

Defrag hard drive monthly

Defragmenting the hard drive every month is necessary to make space on it and also to prevent issues like freezing. However, if you own a laptop with SSD, you can skip this step.



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