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Essential applications to get your laptop running in no time

So, you have a new laptop and are now thinking of the application you will need to keep it running efficiently. Well, look no further. We have curated a list of important, necessary, and basic apps just for you, take a look.


This is one of the most basic apps that you’d need for almost everything. Surely your laptop comes with a browser, but not all websites and apps are compatible with the same one, so always have two browsers ready to go. Additionally, this is the time to customize it too. Whether it is opening windows in new tabs or blocking content images for the workplace, set your personal rules for your browser.


Next you need to download a basic but good anti-virus that will protect your system from malware, virus, and bots. Avast, AVG, Malwarebytes are some of the renowned ones that can safeguard your laptop without many efforts from your side.


Apart from the above-mentioned apps, you can download many different ones depending on your profession or likes. For example, OpenOffice is a must for writers and like while GIMP (free alternative to Photoshop) is necessary for artists.


With Knowledge Hub, learn more about Dos And Don’ts For Laptop Care: The Monsoon Edition OR Learn about Laptop Ports 101: A Rundown (Part 1)


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